Tuesday, February 11, 2014



  I’m watching Gossip Girl as I’m writing, so if it sounds like I’m a wee bit distracted, I totally am. :)

 As the day of red hearts approaches, endemic girls storm the local Victoria’s Secret and the low-key lingerie shops. And it's not just the bra spree, all females have definetly up-ed their lash, lips, and blush makeup game this week... some over-doing it just a tad

 There is a high point during this dour week. And this is due to (believe it or not) a Spanish assignment. Last class, our teacher called us up to pick from her bundle of “The Sticks”, or popsicle sticks that have our name written on them. After picking a name, (girls pick a boy and boys pick a girl) (Well, actually there are three boys that had to draw another boy because there is a lack of the female population in my class) we are instructed to create a Valentine’s Day card for them. And for a grade. 

 Part of the grading rubric is to write a poem about our person. 

 So, here is the poem I wrote for my “Secret Valentine”:

Tú eres raro y interesante,

Como un elefante.

Tú ríes mucho y ruidoso

Eres alto como un oso.

No lleva anteojos

Pero, tienes pantalones extraños

Pareces simpático

Y este poema es fántastico.

I know it’s a little bit lame, but I’m actually pretty proud of it! 

 And I also know that all of you little creeps want to know who exactly is the lucky mystery man I picked (I’m being sarcastic when I say “lucky”, of course) but alas, I’m going to call him “Anon” for right now. Don’t panic, he will be revealed when his card is open.

 And that’s that for day two!

 Hasta luego betches and have a wonderful Tuesday. Hopefully it's filled with chocolate and The Notebook. 

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