Wednesday, November 13, 2013


 Sometimes I just wonder what the fuck some people are thinking when they do something stupid. Sometimes I wonder what the fuck is wrong with me when I do something stupid. But some idiots... arg, ok this is going to be a bit of a rant.

A list by Sydney Tody.

No. 1: Do not try to talk to people who are super into their workout. If you can see that they are sweating profoundly, not making eye-contact with anyone, and look like they are in excruciating pain, just wait until they finish. Or else you will be given the look of death. No joke.

No. 2: If you are not using equipment, just step aside. Don't be sitting on a piece of equipment yapping to your friends, taking mirror selfies, or any other stupid thing besides working out. Some people actually want to try and wrap up their workout so that they can go home and eat all the crap they want.

No. 3: If someone on a certain machine is super into their workout and there are tons of the same machines that are open, please don't choose the one RIGHT FUCKING NEXT TO THEM. Again, the look of death and a ton of other ugly thoughts would be upon you. Hey, this doesn't mean that this person is an ass, it's just that some people are in pain when working out and they just want to do their thing without anyone looking at them and possibly judging them. They just want peace, that's all. Don't get the wrong idea about these people, he/she's probably a great person outside of the gym. You know what they say, Train like a Beast, Look like a Beauty.

No. 4: Do not ask a trainer, who is clearly working out with some one, for help. I made this mistake, and of course the trainee was super into her workout, I mean she was bright red in the face and perspiring like she just got off of Splash Mountain. Anyway, she said, "UM WE'RE KINDA BUSY RIGHT NOW." and I was like "CALM YOUR TITS, TOMATO." but I said that in my head so no one heard that but me. Moral of story: if you need help, ask a trainer who isn't busy. (:

No. 5: When doing a yoga class, make sure that 1. your pants fit (no one wants to see that flattering plumber's smile when you go into front fold) 2. don't stand directly behind another person (you don't want to meet someone doggy-style) and 3. that you don't have beans prior to your class (you don't want to let one out during a quite meditation session).

No. 6: If you have a gym-friend (that is a woman) do not tell them how skinny they are getting or that they need to work a little harder. That's just Girl Code, ya don't do that.

No. 7: When you are in the locker room, DO NOT I repeat DO NOT strip down naked. That is just not sanitary. NO ONE WANTS TO SEE YOUR SAGGY BOOBS OR YOUR BARE ASS. I'm sorry, but that is just revolting. Every time someone does that at my gym, I'm like: ok i'm going to go throw up now. 

No. 8: Do not get into fights at the gym. This can lead to people throwing things (weights, equipment, people) at each other and I don't know about you, but when I'm working out, I don't want to get hit on the side of the head by a bar bell. 

No. 9: Bring your own music, because the gym music sucks.

No. 10: Do not eat when your working out. Well, I guess like a protein bar is fine, but don't go around carrying a KFC bucket around with you, because you are going to get a lot of strange looks. And the fat ladies are going to go after you.

 Ya, so educate yourself so next time you go to the gym, you're ready for anything.

 yay congrats. 

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