Thursday, November 14, 2013


  That's probably the reason why Romeo "fell in love right when he saw her". Whatever.

 One thing about me is that for some strange reason, I just do not believe in love at first sight. And it's really sad and depressing, but there is no possible way that one person could care about another person as much than other person cares about him/her.

 When you kind of think about it, there will always be a person that loves more. So no one is completely satisfied. No one who experiences love with another person will trust that the other person will love as much as the other person. That's probably the scary thing about dating: you either end up breaking up or you get married. It's kind of weird thinking about it, ahaha. In other words: you will either be the heartbreaker or you will get your heart broken. Ya, hate to say it but it's the truth. Sorry.

 Want to know something? I HATE CRUSHES. Ihatethemihatethemihatethemihatethemihatethem. Because I care about them waaaaay too much. Because after the whole phase, you feel like your existence has been stripped from you. You feel as if you have no importance on Earth anymore, but your still here taking up space. Like a lamp.

 Okay hold up. Probably the WORST thing about this god damn feeling we get that we mistake for love is when you don't even love the person at the beginning. And then they actually talk to you. And then you actually develop a small connection with them. And then you "love" them. And then slowly but surely, they begin to pull away. And then they fucking slip through your fingers, and you're just standing there, your heart in two pieces wondering where he went. But he's gone. And he ain't comin' back girl.

 That's the worst.

 So for all the ladies out there. Believe in whatever you want to believe in just remember the difference between guys and girls: Guys act like they're into you when they really not. Girls act like they hate you when they secretly love you.

 And........ cleavage.

Juliet you blessed mother fucker.

Personality my ass.

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